grand grizzly (mexican export)

Alc .40%


Soft toffee and light vanilla pods over some very juicy fruity impressions. Light-medium bodied. Some sweet-sour, corn distillate and sawdust.


Big fruit, cotton candy, tropical fruit. Some surprising bourbon impressions, soft banana candies, heavily charred oak, cinnamon hearts and the ever present soft toffee. Leaves with citrus pith. Quite smooth. Very sweet. Herbaceous.

Overall: 82

Essentially, your everyday, young Canadian export that has warranted our poor stereotype.

Please note:

this is a whisky meant to compete for the inexpensive tequila category. This is an economy brand crafted in Canada, and exported to mexico from an unknown(undisclosed) producer. The reason for ambiguity is not known.

However, the secrecy behind this bottle does not leave much room to dig up information on the grain make-up, age statement, or techniques used, unfortunately.